Heart-Centred Reset For Tired Parents
Parenthood can be tough. And when things get tough, we can all use a bit of help. This course is designed for parents (all parents regardless of their kids’ age) - It’s about developing a healthy habit with emotion regulation so that you can handle the tough moments that come your way - it’s about rejuvenating you, the parent - so that you can re-discover, re-energize, and re-centre in the present moment.
Based on mindfulness, attachment theory, and brain-based parenting, each lesson includes:
Course outline:
Depression - Strengthening The 4 Domains of Symptom Reduction
In this short audio course, I'll be sharing a simple analogy that can aid in connecting you with symptom reduction strategies for depression. The concept and the information shared comes from my therapeutic work and research. My hope in offering this mini-course is that these helpful ideas might reach and help a larger audience in reducing suffering.
Please know that you do not have to have a diagnosis of depression to benefit from what this course has to offer. It's for anyone who experiences depression, moments of low mood, or who have a loved one who experiences those symptoms. This information is shared as a helpful resource to aid you in your day to day life, and not as an alternative to therapy. |
Live Calm Kids is a Video Series for Children about all things emotion regulation
Launched during the initial shutdown of COVID-19, this was my way of creating a support to children and families that suddenly found themselves at home with their complete way of life interrupted. Schools were closed, visits with friends and family became rare, and outings were discouraged. The shutdown also meant that children and families were without support services that may have been in place pre-pandemic. I pulled this online resource together to put some supports in place, for children who may have been having a tough time coping. This video series takes components of the Live Calm Kids group (that traditionally ran in-person), turning it into a video series on managing emotions that kids can access at home. |
Live Calm Kids Program Details:
These resources were created in the hope that strategies for symptom reduction, mental wellness, and resiliency building reach those who need it. Your support through a 'Buy me a coffee' donation enables me to dedicate more time to creating and offering more content on mental wellness